Domain Name Registration Service

Choose a domain between .com, .name, .net, .org, .biz and .us. It costs $16.99/year.
FeaturesRegistration /yr Renew /yrTransfer /yr

check_circle Add credibility to your business

Having your own domain name, website, and email addresses will give you and your business a more professional look. Additionally, it can protect copyrights and trademarks, increase brand awareness, and search engine positioning.

check_circle Add mobility to your web presence

When you plan to switch websites to another hosting provider or your own server, if you do not have your own domain, you will have to take a new URL, which causes customer loss.

check_circle Attract target customers

You can define your domain with a name that is related to your business type. For example, will attract customers who need host databases.

Why you need a domain name?

A domain name, like, that visitors can use to find you. Choose between .com, .name, .net, .org, .biz, .us and .info. It costs $16.99/year.